viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

Natural cure for acne

Acne is the worst nightmare for a teenager. If the creams or tips do not seem to work why not a natural alternative.

The most common of these treatments were to use special soap or lemon juice, however there are other recipes that can have good results.

Orange peel: Easy to find, let alone implement, the treatment is to hit the orange peel with water on a stone and apply it in areas affected by acne.

Garlic: Very little known but very effective, garlic besides being an unmistakable Italian food seasoning is also a useful remedy to fight pimples.

The method involves taking a clove of garlic and rub on the skin several times, to cleanse the skin this point, pimples and boils.

However if you think you might be uncomfortable to get garlic on the face, the other alternative is to eat three raw seeds once a month to purify the blood that is probably causing those pesky pimples.

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009


One of the new natural healing techniques that are delivering results is the Ayurvera, which is to lead a life in harmony between body, mind and environment in which we live.

This medicine has been around 5 thousand in India and part of China, where he seeks healing through natural elements such as minerals and plants.

The who used to be able to tell that Ayurvera perfectly complement the work of others as doctors, acupuncturists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, massage therapists and other health professionals.

Currently Currently Ayurvera is part of everyday life mainly by the proliferation of so-called spas.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Acupuncture for weight loss

Now that we are close to summer, acupuncture can be an effective method for people concerned about overweight and which has proved to give good results.

The treatment involves placing metal and disposable needles in different parts of the ear for several minutes, the effect will be followed by a gradual reduction of the anxiety of eating.

To obtain the expected results must also comply with a meal plan in which they avoid sugar, drink 2 liters of water a day, eat lots of vegetables and all kinds of fish

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Natural Treatment for Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases today that are exposed to especially people with sedentary lifestyle and little care in their food.

If you're already living with the disease the alternative is to assume a more natural diet that can be found in foods such as lean meats, fish, shellfish, eggs, onion, garlic, asparagus, watercress, cucumber, artichoke, fennel, dandelion and spinach.

On the other hand, if the disease is controlled and not very advanced as it could ingest milk products, fresh fruits, dry low-alcohol wines.

If you are over 40 years should avoid all excesses in snuff, food and start some kind of systematic moderate.

Also to be avoided to the maximum excess sugars, starches, fats, flour, pasta, vegetables and dried fruits.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Natural eat and live longer

What we eat in our lifetime will be an invoice then we will pay. In recent years it has sounded the warning about what we eat like artificial feeding (read: hamburgers, snacks, sweets, etc.) contribute to cell aging, which will determine a better or worse quality of life.

The only solution to that is eating better, as simple and as hard as that. So be good eating habits from childhood is very important that in future the person can enjoy both eating a Milanese fiber as a bowl of yogurt.

So our daily diet should be abundant in fish, vegetables, beans and rice, this type of natural products that help prevent poor combustion of oxygen, cellular metabolism and promote harmonious and caring.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009


Reiki is the Japanese practice of healing through the hands. This ancient practice say that any body has energy and that the balance of these energies depends the good health and speed healing. Reiki is responsible for harmonizing these energies so that we can recover faster. Reiki is also a philosophy of life.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009


Traditional Chinese medicine is best exemplified by acupuncture. Use the insertion of needles into the body with the aim of restoring the health of a person. For Chinese, diseases are caused by an imbalance between body´s energy. To restore to their original order they must manipulate needles into specific body points. The definition and characterization of the points is standardized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Currently at universities in Europe as a master teaches acupuncture. We must remember that the practice of this treatment is harmless, so it should be done by experts. Also worth noting that acupuncture has proven effective in the treatment of chronic pain.